Tagged: release

Wasted Wine to release Wasted Wine vs the Hypnosis Center (Video)

Wasted Wine, front man/violinist/multi-instrumentalist Robert Gowan, guitarist Buck Dollars, bassist Lou Buckingham, and drummer Tim DeLisle, have recorded and are about to release their album Wasted Wine vs the Hypnosis Center. This album is fantastic. It takes a hold of the listener and never let’s go.  Continue reading

Stargroves Album Pre-Order and Single Release

The NYC based indie band made their album, Stargroves, available for pre-order. Stargroves took a three month break as lead singer Teddy Watson traveled to Iceland. While there, Watson forgot the constant noise of New York and relearned the power of silence. Stargroves has not been afraid to use silence and contrast in this album. The music video can be found below.

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